About Nanhi Dunya Movement

14 10 2009

नन्ही दुनिया

Let Us Live To Serve The Child

Nanhi Dunya ®

“The International Movement for Children & Their Friends”


Nanhi Dunya “The International Movement of Children and Their Friends” was founded in 1946 by Prof.Lekh Raj Ulfat (1920-1991). In 1952, he was joined by his wife Smt. H.Sadhana Ulfat. Together with their friends they worked selflessly for the expansion of activities and evolution of the movement.

The main aim of Nanhi Dunya at the time of its foundation was to contribute to a peaceful, sustainable and integrated world, where all living beings can live and grow in universal harmony.

Nanhi Dunya movement is primarily committed to serve children as they are the creators of the future. Prof. Lekh Raj Ulfat always believed that –

“The little world of today’s children can make or mar (ruin) the big world of tomorrow. To help in the evolution of new human beings complete, balanced, just and independent, let us live to serve the child. These little beings of the future in turn will be able to contribute positively to their own development and world evolution spiritually, scientifically and aesthetically”.

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nanhi smile

From a humble beginning with eight children grouped around a tree listening to stories and playing games, Nanhi Dunya has grown into a widespread social movement which is at present conducting various projects and programmes for children, women and youth through various centres in and around the Dehradun Valley in Northern India. There are 2000 children attending these centers between the age group of 3 to 16 years of age. The total no of children in each of these centres varies from 60 to 600.


  1. Welfare, Service and Happiness of Children.
  2. To promote a spirit of reason, tolerance, love and fraternity among children of the world, irrespective of their cultural and economic back ground.
  3. To draw the attention of the public towards children and the unique roles they are destined to play in the evolution of a holistic World?.
  4. To promote a deeper awareness of the importance creative learning.
  5. To integrate the children with special needs with the schools and activities?
  6. To find new dimension in the field of education and community living?
  7. To work with local means and material for self reliance.


Nanhi Dunya runs 12 Schools inspired by the Waldorf education.

  1. Recognising the artist in each child.
  2. Education towards community-wide co-operation.
  3. Promotion of equality between rich and poor.
  4. Bringing to full flowering each child’s physical, social and intellectual capacities.
  5. Spiritual growth of the individual.
  6. Integrating the children in special needs like those with hearing and speech impediments, autistic, down syndrome, slow learners and other such children into main-stream schools.

Both the handicapped and their fellow pupils benefit from learning how to co-exist.



  1. Children’s club and recreational centres.
  2. “SANJIVINI” child guidance clinic.
  3. Sponsoring needy children.
  4. Crèhe for children of working women.
  5. Balwadis-Pre-Schools.
  6. Mother and child health care centres.
  7. Mahila Mandal- Rural Welfare Groups and Activities.
  8. Center for Environmental Education.
say cheese

say cheese


  1. Nursery, primary and junior high school.
  2. Teacher training courses.
  3. Short interviews courses for adults and women.
  4. Library.
  5. The Rangshala-For the creative Arts.
  6. The Natyashala- Children Theatre.
  7. Holiday home- for children and youth- providing space and creative activities during the vacations.
  8. Nanhi Dunya Badhir Vidyalaya- School for the deaf.
  9. Special classes for exceptional children and Children in need of special care.
  10. Non-formal education and open school activities.
  11. Bureau of Research and Publication- preparing and publishing material for child welfare.



  1. Inder Road.(The mother house.)
  2. Karanpur.
  3. Chandar Nagar.
  4. Prem Nagar.
  5. Kalidas Road (Nanhi Dunya school for the deaf)**

**Nanhi Dunya school for the deaf at Kaldas Road is a component unit of Nanhi Dunya ® Society. A court case filed by Nanhi Dunya ® Society “The International Movement for Children & Their Friends” against the managing committee of Nanhi Dunya school for the deaf at Kaldas Road has been pending since 1972; presently pending in the High Court. (For detailed information contact Nanhi Dunya® Society office*)


  1. Khanwali Village.
  2. Selakui Village.
  3. Sahaspur Village.
  4. Vikas Nagar.
  5. Hastinapur ” (Autonomous)
  6. Meerapur ( Muzaffar Nagar Dist.) ( Autonomous)

nsdsoni 059HOW CAN YOU HELP?

Nanhi Dunya is a Registered Charity independent of any government grants. It relies on small contributions and gifts from friends. To reach out to more children and strengthen our infrastructure a sincere collective effort is needed. We invite you to join this cause and contribute generously to the movement in whatever way you can.

A vast majority of children attending Nanhi Dunya come from economically deprived backgrounds. Nanhi Dunya is not only providing basic education but also offers creative learning opportunities for over 2000 children. With your help we can meet the challenges.

Our present needs are-

a)      Sponsoring children to attend our schools.

b)      Sponsoring teachers (in training) to improve quality of education.

c)      Supporting education for disabled (otherly abled or with specials needs)

d)      Construction and repair of school buildings.

e)      Sponsering much needed medical facilities for children.

All donations can be made by cheque in the favour of Nanhi Dunya, Head Quarter & sent to:-

The Chief Promoter and Executive

*Nanhi Dunya (Main Branch/ Motherhouse)

10, Inder Road, Dehra Dun-248001. Uttaranchal. INDIA.

Telephone: 0135-2656072.

Mobile: +919821417495

E-mail: alokulfat@gmail.com

Nanhi Dunya is a Registered Charity under the Registration Society Act 1860 and is run by a Board of Trustees. All donations are tax exempted under the 80G.

rise n shine


You can also help us by becoming a volunteer and help us in our activities.
Send your resume to – alokulfat@gmail.com
